We recommend enabling the "Automatically trim trailing whitespace" and keeping "Including whitespace-only lines" deselected in Xcode (under Text Editing).
New code should not contain any trailing whitespace.
Exception: we use 4-space indentation instead of 2.
Swift code should generally follow the conventions listed at.
PRs will be squashed and merged, so it is important to keep PRs focused on specific tasks.
In the unlikely and rare situation that a PR fixing multiple, related issues separate issue numbers with a comma:įix #159, Fix #160: Removed whitepsace for + button on right-side panel.
Add any additional information regarding the PR in the description.
Ref #102: Fixed type on Face ID usage description.
Please use the following formats in your PR titles:įix #102: Added Face ID usage description to plist.
If a bug corresponding to the fix does not yet exist, please file it.
All pull requests must be associated with a specific GitHub issue.
It's code can be found in brave-core, and instructions on building and updating this code can be found here Contributor guidelines Creating a pull request Some Brave Rewards code is precompiled into a framework in the BraveRewards directory.